Thursday, November 21, 2013

Want to buy a smartphone? Please read this before you buy.

Mobile Processors : Quad Core VS Dual Core

There was a time when everyone was fascinating about Mega Pixel of their phone camera, and after that era, Screen size of mobile phone came into the picture. The bigger size phones always fascinate people. But now the benchmark has changed, the number of cores attracts people, and it is the new benchmark for comparing mobile phone.

People are talking about single core,dual core,quad core processors.

First of all the basic difference is just simple, a dual core processors can carry out the instruction sets by improved performance. Quad core processors also does the same work, and they are basically four cores which are integrated on a single silicon chip which gives us high performance.
In simple words,quad core processors can carry out same work done by dual core processor at a twice speed!

Typically only a more powerful processor is not always important. Because processor takes help from ROM(read only memory) and RAM(random access memory).

So always go for ARM architecture of the processor and know about its clock speed.

If you are going to buy a phone , try to figure out other features like clock speed, RAM, ARM architecture.

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