Thursday, April 11, 2013

Solution To waiting for jockey-backend for exit - ubuntu

Waiting for jockey-backend to exit

Problem: While Updating Packages,
                 i) Getting "Waiting for jockey-backend to exit" in Update Manager. &
                ii) Getting "Unable to get exclusive lock" , while updating using apt-get update
                iii) Updating Cache problem

What is jockey-backend ?
Jockey is a tool for installing third-party hardware drivers.

Jockey provides the infrastructure and the user interface for finding and installing third-party drivers which are applicable to the computer. This includes drivers which are added or updated after the release of a distribution, or drivers which cannot be included into the distribution for various reasons (CD space limitation, licensing problems, etc.).

Solution :
You only need jockey for enabling restricted drivers, afterwards you can safely disable it.

Open Terminal and type following commands:

1) To get into root mode
    sudo -i

2) To check the process id of jockey
    ps -e | grep jockey

Output: 2982 pts/0 00:00:00 jockey

remember the process id(2982)

3)Type the following to stop/kill the process

  sudo kill -9 [process_id]

 sudo kill -9 2982

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